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一、General Description
The PN8315 consists of a high precision quasi-resonant mode CC primary side controller and a power MOSFET, specifically designed
for a high performance low power LED lighting with minimal external components and single-inductance. The chip adopts buck
topology and work in quasi-resonant mode; The chip adopts a patent HV DMOS self-supply technology ,so auxiliary winding and HV
Start-up resistance could be eliminated. The chip offers complete protection coverage with automatic self-recovery feature including
Cycle-by-Cycle current limiting protection (OCP) and feedback loop open protection (OLP), over temperature regulation, Rcs
open/short Protection and LED-open/short circuit protection etc. Internal HV Start-up circuit and the chip’s very low consumption help
to meet high efficiency. In CC control, the current and output power setting can be adjusted externally by the sense resistor Rcs at CS
.. Integrated 530V avalanche-rugged power MOSFET
.. Integrated HV Soft Start Circuit without additional Start-up
.. Rapid self-supply patent technology without additional
power supply circuit
.. ±3% precision LED current
.. Adjustable constant current output values
.. 1% precision Line voltage Compensation
.. Good Protection Coverage With
.. over temperature regulation
.. over current limiting (OCP)
.. LED open and short circuit protection
.. Auto- recovery protection Mode
.. Rcs open/short Protection