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一、General Description:
TTP252 MCU is an easy-used 4-bit CPU base microcontroller. It contains 1984-word ROM、96-nibble RAM、timer/Counter、timer/PWM、interrupt service 、IO control hardware、LVR、touch pad and LDO feature for specified applications. The device is also suitable for diverse simple applications in control appliance and consumer product.
二、 Features:
Tontek RISC 4-bit CPU core
Total 26 crucial instructions and two addressing mode
Most instructions need 1 word and 1 machine cycle(2 system clocks) except read table instruction(RTB)
advance CMOS process
Working memory with 1984*16 program ROM and 96*4 SRAM
2-level stacks
Operating voltage: 2.0V~5.5V
System operating frequency: (at VDD=5V )
. High speed system oscillator (OSCH):
Built-in RC oscillator: 4MHz(typical)
.Low speed peripheral oscillator (OSCL):
Built-in RC oscillator: 16KHz(typical)
Offer 8 IO+8 touch pad or 16 general programmable I/O
O port built-in key wake-up feature enable by software setting
Providing external interrupt inputs and Timer clock inputs
Offering internal signal outputs, like buzzer(PFD)
One 8-bit auto-reload timer/counter & one 8-bit timer/PWM & one time
base counter
4 timer clock sources(internal & external) selected by software
Timer provides the PFD feature for Buzzer output driver
Time base offers 2 various period interrupt request
MCU system protection and power saving controlled mode:
Built-in watch dog timer (WDT) circuit
ROM code error detection
Out of user program’s range detection
Providing high/low system operating speed、sleep、stop mode
for power saving control
Built-in low voltage reset (LVR) function
8 pins with touch pad detection
LDO voltage can select 2.7V or 4.2V output by option.
LVR voltage can select 2.2V or 3.0V by option.
Provides 8 interrupt sources
External: INT0 , INT1 shared with IO pad
Internal: Timer/counter, Timer/PWM, two Time base timer
Two touchpad’s interrupt
. Provide package types
DIP/SOP 8 pins, DIP/SOP/SSOP/QFN 16/20/24 pins, TSSOP
Dice available
Household electric appliances
Consumer products
Measurement controller
四、Pin Description:
If PC3 select INT0 option, and PA0’s INT0 will be disable. If PC3’s option don’t
select INT0 , and PA0 have INT0 function.
If PD0 select INT1 option, and PC2’s INT1 will be disable. If PD0’s option don’t
select INT1 , and PC2 have INT1 function. If PC3 or PD0 select PFD1,
it will disable PA2’s PFD1 function. PC3’s PFD1
function and PD0’s PFD1 function can be enable in same time.
If PC3 or PD0 select PWM/PFD2, it will disable PA3’s PWM/PFD2 function.
PC3’s PWM/PFD2 function and PD0’s PWM/PFD2 function can be enable at
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