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一、General Description
is a high
performance, highly integrated current mode
PWM controller for
medium to large offline flyback converter
In SF1565, the PWM switching is internally trimmed
to tight range. To improve EMI performance, the IC integrates frequency
shuffling function to
reduce conduction EMI emission of a power supply. The IC also integrates
Constant Power Limiting
block to achieve constant
output power limit
from 90VAC to 264VAC.
light load conditions,
a green mode
function can continuously decrease
the switching frequency. Under zero-load conditions, the
power supply enters into burst mode
and provides excellent
efficiency without audio noise
generated. This green
mode function enables power supplies to meet international power
conservation requirements.
SF1565 integrates functions and protections of
Under Voltage Lockout (UVLO),
VDD Over Voltage Protection (OVP), Soft Start,
External Programmable Over Temperature Protection
(OTP), Cycle-by-cycle Current
Limiting (OCP), Over Load Protection (OLP), Pins Floating
Protection, RI Pin
Short-to-GND Protection, GATE Clamping, VDD Clamping, Leading Edge
Blanking (LEB).
SF1565, the all
protection functions are
auto-recovery mode protection.
二、 Features
Built-in Soft Start Function
Very Low Startup Current
Frequency Reduction and Burst Mode Control for Energy Saving
Built-in Frequency Shuffling
Programmable Switching Frequency
Built-in Synchronous Slope Compensation
Cycle-by-Cycle Current Limiting
Pins Floating Protection
High Voltage CMOS Process with Excellent ESD Protection
Current Mode Control
Built-in Leading Edge Blanking (LEB)
Constant Power Limiting
Audio Noise Free Operation
VDD OVP & Clamp
VDD Under Voltage Lockout (UVLO)
五、Typical Application
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Shenzhen office:Baifuhui Industrial Park,Jianshedonglu Road,Longhua District,Shenzhen City,Guangdong Province,China
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