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Super-PFC/PSRtm Controller for LED Lighting
一、General Description
SFL900B is a high performance, high power factor flyback PWM controller special for LED lighting applications. The IC adopts unique super-PFC/PSRTM which can support both PSR and SSR applications.
SFL900B is pin compatible with mainstream PFC controllers such as XX6561/6562, XX7527, etc.
SFL900B also integrates proprietary min-THD , technique, which can achieveless than 10% THD for universal line input. SFL900B has built-in Load CC Compensation and AC Line CC Compensation function, which can
further increase LED output CC accuracy. The IC has Max. 90KHz Frequency Clamping function and soft totem pole Gate driver to improve system conduction and radiation EMI. The IC will Clear External EA Feedback Network before IC power on, which can reduces startup LED current spike. The IC also has Soft Start control during power on period. In SFL900B, the proprietary “Frequency Adjusting”can help to improve THD performance, while ensures audio noise free operation.
SFL900B integrates functions and protections of Under Voltage Lockout (UVLO), LED Open/Short Protection, VCC Over Voltage Protection (OVP), Load Over Voltage Protection (Load OVP), Soft Start, Cycle-by-cycle Current Limiting (OCP), Burst Mode Control @ Light Loading, GD Clamping, VCC
Clamping, etc. SFL900B is available in SOP-8 and DIP-8 packages.
二、 Features
super-PFC/PSRTM Control Supports Both Primary Secondary Side Regulation (SSR)
Pin Compatible with Popular PFC Controllers
THD<10% using min-THD Technique
Built-in AC Line and Load Compensation for High Precision LED Output Current
Highly Linear Analog Multiplier with “Frequency Adjusting” for High PF
Max. 90KHz Frequency Clamping for EMI
LED Open/Short Protection
Burst Mode Control @ Light Loading
Trimmed 1.5% Internal Voltage Reference
Very Low Startup Current
Under Voltage Lockout with 11.7V Hysteresis
Built-in Soft Start
Clear External EA Feedback Network before Power On
Cycle-by-Cycle Current Limiting
Built-in Leading Edge Blanking (LEB)
VCC Over Voltage Protection (OVP)
Audio Noise Free Operation
10V to 32V Wide Range of VCC Voltage
500mA Drive Capability
四、Package/Order Information
五、Typical Application
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