Low Standby-Power Off-line PWM converters
1、Product application
2、General Description
The PN8126F consists of an integrated Pulse Width Modulator (PWM) controller and power MOSFET, specifically designed forsmall power non-isolated switching power supply. PN8126F offersfullyintelligentizedprotection including Cycle-by-Cyclecurrent limiting (OCP); Over Voltage Protection (OVP), Under Voltage Lockout and Over Temperature Protection (OTP).Excellent EMI performance is achieved with Pulse Frequency Modulation. PN8126F also consists of the high voltage start-upcircuit to ensure that start quickly. The application need less component device.
3、 Features
Be optimized with 18V output non-isolated application
85~265VAC wide input voltage scope
Frequency modulation for low EMI
Internal HV Start-up Circuit
Semi enclosed steady output power >9W @230VAC
Excellent constant voltage regulation and High efficiency
Excellent Protection Coverage:
Adjustable Over Current Protection( OCP)
Over Temperature Protection( OTP)
over voltage protection (OVP)
non-isolated assistant power supply
5、Package/Order Information
6、Typical Circuit

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