Low Standby-Power Quasi-Resonant Primary-Side Converter
1、Product application
2、General Description
The PN8370 consists of a Low Standby-Power Quasi-Resonant (QR) Primary-Side controller and a 650V avalanche-rugged smartpower VDMOSFET, specifically designed for a high performance AC/DC charger or adaptor with minimal external components.PN8370 operates in primary-side sensing and regulation, so opto-coupler and TL431 could be eliminated. Because of internal HVStart-up circuit, the system with PN8370 can achieve less than 30mW standby power consumption (230VAC). In CV mode,multi-mode and quasi resonant technique is utilized to achieve high efficiency, avoid audible noise and make the system meetingEnergy star class VI. Good load regulation is achieved by the built-in cable drop compensation. In CC mode, the current and outputpower setting can be adjusted externally by the sense resistor at CS pin.PN8370 offers complete protections including Cycle-by-Cycle current limiting protection (OCP), over voltage protection (OVP), over temperature protection (OTP) and CS open or short protection(CSO/SP) etc.
3、 Features
Internal 650 V avalanche-rugged smart power VDMOSFET
Internal HV Start-up Circuit, Standby power consumption
< 30mW at 230VAC
Multi-mode and Quasi-Resonant technique achieve high
efficiency, meeting energy star class VI
±5% CC Regulation at Universal AC input
Primary-side Sensing and Regulation without TL431 and
Programmable Cable Drop Compensation
No-need Control Loop Compensation Capacitance
Excellent Protection Coverage:
Over Temperature Protection (OTP)
VDD Under/Over Voltage Protection(UVLO&OVP)
Cycle-by-Cycle Current Limiting (OCP)
Cs Short/Open Protection (CS O/SP)
Switch AC/DC Adaptor
Battery Charger
5、Package/Order Information
6、Typical Application

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