The HP204C employs a MEMS pressure sensor with an I2C interface to provide accurate Temperature, Pressure or Altitude data. The sensor Pressure and Temperature outputs are digitized by a high resolution 24-bit ADC. The Altitude value is calculated by a specific patented algorithm according to the pressure and temperature data. Data compensation is integrated internally to save the effort of the external host MCU system. Easy command-based data acquisition interface and programmable interrupt control is available. Typical active supply current is 5.3uA per measurement-second while the ADC output is filtered and decimated
by 256. Pressure output can be resolved with output in fractions of a Pascal, and Altitude can be resolved in 0.01 meter.
1.Mobile Altimeter / Barometer
2.Industrial Pressure and Temperature Sensor System
3.Adventure and Sports watches
4.Weather Station Equipment
5.Indoor Navigation and Map Assist
6.Data loggers for pressure, temperature and altitude.
7.Panel computer
1.Operation temperature: -40~85℃
2.Supply voltage: 1.8V to 3.6V
3.Pressure range: 300mbar ~1200mbar
4.Programmable events and interrupt controls
5.Altitude Resolution: 0.02 meter
6.High-speed I2C digital output interface (Up to 10 MHz)
7.Fast conversion down to 2ms
8.Standby current <0.1uA, low conversion power, 2uA at 1 sample/sec..
9.Water proof design can use in 100m
10.Hermetically sealable for outdoor devices
11.Sealing designed for 2.5 x 1mm O-ring
4、Block Diagram

FREE HOT LINE:+86-400-788-7770
Tel:+86-769-81150556 Mob:+86-18929103949 Ms Tang
Tel: +86-769-85638990 Mob:+86-18923224605 Ms Ye
dgzm699@163.com QQ:2057045156
Head office: No.8, Yanhe East Street, Ailingkan Village, Dalingshan Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China
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Shenzhen office:Baifuhui Industrial Park,Jianshedonglu Road,Longhua District,Shenzhen
City,Guangdong Province,China
Zhongshan office:Shijihaoting,Longchang Road,Dongsheng Village,Zhongshan City,Guangdong Province,China
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