Domestic inverter industry heating low voltage transformer is still weak
Inverter products industry in China in recent years the rapid growth of the gross value of industrial output in the competition with foreign famous inverter brand products, low voltage frequency converter in inverter domestic enterprises to strengthen market position at the same time, more accelerated its high-end product structure transformation, through the thorough exchange, and the inverter user application of cutting-edge technology, product development and production of user satisfaction high frequency converter.
The inverter
Although inverter industry started relatively late in China, domestic converter equipment manufacturing enterprises in terms of technology and brand influence has gap with international brands, but the domestic current situation of the frequency converter equipment production enterprise is not willing to. On the contrary, domestic production enterprises face up to late, transducers technology gap between these weaknesses. Groping for a long time, integration of resources through small bites, realize the technological breakthrough, in recent years, the domestic inverter market gradually achieved good results.
There are statistics show that in recent years the rapid growth in industrial output inverter products industry in China. In the competition with foreign famous inverter brand products, lian jie think the low-voltage inverter frequency converter domestic enterprises to strengthen market position at the same time, should accelerate the high-end product structure transformation, through the thorough exchange, and the inverter user application of cutting-edge technology, development and production of user satisfaction high-end inverter products, with product development and product innovation, brand building advantages, realize the brand development.
Domestic converter equipment manufacturing enterprises on the market share has overtaken imported inverter products, domestic enterprises are constantly transducers to narrow the technology gap with foreign enterprises, through the technical research and quality control, on the basis of the guarantee quality, established the domestic inverter product competitive advantage, the localization of application filled the gap on the application of frequency converter products.